Current Reading: Arthur & Augustine
I'm currently working on (re) reading a couple of things that I have loved for a while.
First is T. H. White's The Once and Future King, which I'm reading for the first time in many years, certainly since I began seriously studying the Arthurian literary tradition (in fact, wrote my doctoral dissertation on one of the earliest Arthurian romances, Chrétien de Troyes' The Story of the Grail). I loved White's story of the boy Arthur as a kid, after reading (about 40 times) the "Golden Book" story based on the Disney movie, The Sword in the Stone, which itself was based on the first part of White's novel. At age 13, I took part in a performance of the stage musical Camelot, based on the latter part of the novel, but I don't think I made the connection. As an older teenager, I finally read all of T. H. White's novel ("The Sword in the Stone" is just the first of four parts), and was rather dismayed at the tragic turn the story takes (at that point, I must have made the connection with Camelot). Well, I hadn't read Malory or Tennyson, so it kind of took me by surprise.
First is T. H. White's The Once and Future King, which I'm reading for the first time in many years, certainly since I began seriously studying the Arthurian literary tradition (in fact, wrote my doctoral dissertation on one of the earliest Arthurian romances, Chrétien de Troyes' The Story of the Grail). I loved White's story of the boy Arthur as a kid, after reading (about 40 times) the "Golden Book" story based on the Disney movie, The Sword in the Stone, which itself was based on the first part of White's novel. At age 13, I took part in a performance of the stage musical Camelot, based on the latter part of the novel, but I don't think I made the connection. As an older teenager, I finally read all of T. H. White's novel ("The Sword in the Stone" is just the first of four parts), and was rather dismayed at the tragic turn the story takes (at that point, I must have made the connection with Camelot). Well, I hadn't read Malory or Tennyson, so it kind of took me by surprise.
Now that I'm familiar with the whole length of the literary tradition and, of course, "all grown up," not only am I enjoying White's novel even more than I did as a kid, but I find all sorts of oblique commentary on the Arthurian literary tradition and its effects on the popular imagination (something Chretien was already engaged in back in the 12th century!). I'm planning to (re)read some of the other major ("literary") modern additions to the canon of Arthurian literature, too -- Tennyson, maybe Steinbeck, and definitely Charles Williams's Arthurian poems, with C. S. Lewis's commentary. This is my idea of fun!
The other book I've started recently is the Doubleday/Image edition of St. Augustine's City of God
I'm glad to be reading something Arthurian and modern alongside something theological and ancient, particularly something by Augustine of Hippo, who I think had a greater influence on the beginning of the Arthurian literary tradition than most modern critics recognize or admit. We'll see if the juxtaposition provokes any interesting, new ideas.
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